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  3.  > Flexible metal hose
  4.  > NK-1200 UnionRtype

Products Information

Flexible metal hose

Screw type

NK-1200 UnionR式
NK-1200 UnionR type
Number Name Material
1 Union FCMB,S25C,SUS304,316,316L
2 Packing Non-Asbestos etc.
3 Braid Stopper Ring SUS304
4 Tube SUS304,316L
5 Braid SUS304



The union metal is welded with the Flexible Metal Hose.
Tubes and metallic parts are changeable depending on the conditions of use.
This union type hose matches with all kinds of tubes, applicable to any circumstances.
This can be installed with any types of steels such as high pressure type, special union and etc.